Encode Movie collection for my media player and media server

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Encode Movie collection for my media player and media server

Post od catpav520 » 04.05.2014 10:07

Encode Movie collection for my media player and media server

Summary: Do you want to convert your DVD/Blu-ray movie collections for your media player and media server. Pavtube ByteCopy is one of a very practical software.


As a Senior lovers of movie and electronic product, I collected many movies, and had 8 devices. The most enjoyable thing is converting these BD/DVD movies to my devices and watching them content and online streaming throughout the house. So I need to convert the movie to some format supported, and then transfer this file to my device, my media player and media server, sharing.

Since I had used some conversion software like Handbrake, Staxrip, TMPG Enc, MakeMKV, pavtube and DvdFab, some of them are either not support cuda (Cuda technology can really shorten the time of video transcoding.), or the transformation unstable. Then I google "cuda encoder", then there are many information about it. And I found the Pavtube ByteCopy used CUDA processing from the GPU to speed up the encoding process, that is I wanted. And it is very easy to use. Another advantage is that it can support almost all video formats like MKV, richer set options to support subtitles. From the case I uesd, the stability of Pavtube is good. Following is a brief introduction about my operation :

Step 1. It took me a few time to complete downloading and installing the Pavtube ByteCopy, then I spended a few seconds to load my disc.

Step 2. I setted the format and Output Path, the Frequently used format are MKV and MP4. Then I click the big Convert to complete it. The whole process is only taking me 20-30 minutes.


After that, I transfer files to my various handheld devices, like two iPhones, iPad and other media player and media server. If you want to know about how to transfer Files between Phone and computer, you can visit this article.

Other features about ByteCopy:

Expanding Reading

Cuda technology is most used in civilian video applications. Concerning the video transcoding software, Cuda technology can really shorten the time of video transcoding. Learn more

From: http://bd-dvd-multitrack-tip.blogspot.com/2014/04/encode-movie-collection-for-my-media.html

