An easy way to convert videos to the format for iPhone

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An easy way to convert videos to the format for iPhone

Post od Icy258 » 01.11.2012 9:09

Nowadays, people have high demands for video resolution. Almost all of the videos downloaded on the Internet are adapted to H264 HD Coding, which makes the video with more clear images. M4V compatible by iPhone, iPad, or other Mac products uses H264 HD coding. Therefrom, m4v format is widely used. Convert AVI, MOV, FLV, and more video formats to M4V with M4V Conversion tool.
M4V Converter is such an excellent m4v videos conversion tool, which can convert protected m4v video files to other video formats, and also help transfer converted m4v videos to iPhone and iPad. Cutting video clips, cropping video frame, or adjusting video/audio setting are available.
Importing multiple video files to m4v converter into a single file also can be completed.
