Guidelines to Memory Stick Data Recovery

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Proširen prikaz Revizija teme: Guidelines to Memory Stick Data Recovery

Re: Guidelines to Memory Stick Data Recovery

Post od Jesscki26 » 10.10.2014 3:19

Are you troubled by the problem of losing iDevice data like SMS, contacts and photos? Or even worse, you are confronted with iOS crash. I am not surprised that you don't have iTunes backup. At this moment, what should you do to retrieve your significant data which is stored in your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Take it easy! Now you can turn to iOS Data Recovery for help to recover deleted photos from your iDevice.
How to Recover Lost Photos from iPhone
As a recovery software, iOS Data Recovery deserved to be one of the most practical and powerful one. It can not only assists you to restore photos from iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, the recovery of other data like notes, SMS, contacts and videos are all be supported.
How to Recover Data from Dead iPhone
How to Recover Lost Video from iPhone
How to Recover Deleted Calendars from iPhone

Re: Guidelines to Memory Stick Data Recovery

Post od Fenar1 » 09.08.2014 5:32

Data Recovery securely scans for and brings deleted email messages back to life, even from Vista Windows Mail. It can even recover deleted email attachments. Data Recovery Pro is so powerful that it can recover files from freshly formatted or partitioned drives. As well, it can retrieve partial files due to bad sectors. As well as email, Data Recovery Pro can recover a wide variety of file types. It has the ability to retrieve missing files from many peripheral storage devices, including your iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, and iPod Classic. Data Recovery Pro is so sophisticated it can even recover files from freshly formatted or partitioned drives. A completely updated filter technology allows you to easily search for "lost" text, allowing you to find files by searching for just a key word or phrase.

how to restore contacts on iPhone 4
. Recovers mission-critical files from Windows hard drive and supported external media
. 'Raw Recovery' feature to flawlessly recover files from severely corrupt media
. Support for broad range of files types, including documents, photos, and multimedia files
. Recovers deleted emails in MS Outlook and Outlook Express ? Recovers files from damaged or corrupt optical media
how to retrieve deleted text messages on iPhone

