Edit PDF files and export PDF to editable documents on Mac

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Edit PDF files and export PDF to editable documents on Mac

Post od harper17 » 19.09.2012 10:35


PDF Editor Pro for Mac

Simply edit scanned PDF documents with OCR technology
Edit (Add, modify, move, delete) text in PDF documents
Insert/move/copy/crop/resize/delete images within PDF files
Export Word/Excel/PPT/EPUB/HTML/Image/Text/RTF from PDF
Annotate by adding notes, text boxes and graphics to PDF files
Markup PDF with highlighting, underscoring, and strikethrough

PDF Editor for Mac

PDF Editor for Mac enables Mac users to edit contents of PDF files. Users can add/insert, modify/eidt, move, delete/remove, copy and paste text, images, graphics and more. What's more, it also gives users the ability to edit and reuse PDF contents in MS Word document by converting PDF into Word. Marking and annotating PDF files are also very easy with this Mac PDF editing software.

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