iTunes DRM Removal | How to remove DRM from iTunes TV Shows

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iTunes DRM Removal | How to remove DRM from iTunes TV Shows

Post od harper17 » 02.09.2012 5:14


With iTunes, we can purchase our favorite TV shows and sync it to play on Apple devices freely. However, when you want to enjoy iTunes TV shows on other devices, things become totally different. It is very headache for customers to play iTunes TV shows on other devices.

Because of the DRM protection, the TV shows purchased from iTunes can not be played on non-Apple devices unless authorized. But each account can only authorize up to 5 times. Therefore, if you want to enjoy iTunes TV shows on PSP, HTC, Zune, Blackberry, etc, what you need is a DRM converter instead of a regular converter.

DRM Media Converter is a professional DRM removal for iTunes TV shows. It can remove DRM protection successfully and convert the iTunes TV shows to any format like MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, WMV, etc. at meanwhile.

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