Premiere pro cc 2018 i Realtek audio problem...

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- Obrada zvuka (audio), Muzički programi...

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Ovo je kontrolno pitanje radi zaštite od automatskog slanja. Morate uneti tačan odgovor.
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Re: Premiere pro cc 2018 i Realtek audio problem...

Post od dashworld58 » 02.04.2020 15:22

What is your budget? Since there are many great options available, you should easily be able to select speakers that fit your budget. If you really love having high quality home entertainment and you have a large enough home then it is a good idea to splurge on really expensive equipment. If you are not particular, however, then there are many budget options that are fairly good as well.

Premiere pro cc 2018 i Realtek audio problem...

Post od bojan031 » 04.07.2018 18:10

Windows 10 je april update v1803 čista instalacija, verzija premiera je takođe zadnja, ali nema tona u premieru to jest 'realtek not working' kad se prebaci u audio hardweru na MME sa ASIO....
Isti ovaj premier radi normalno u predhodnoj i predhonim verzijama 10ke sa istim realtek drajverima. Ima li ko rešenje za ovaj problem, ne bih da se vraćam na predhodne verzije 10ke.... a da,
probao sam da skinem realtek drajvere i tad premier radi normalno na windows drajverima, ali ne bih da radim bez realtek drajvera....
Isti problem primetio sam imaju Cubase i Audition ....
